precious gems

Monday, February 18, 2008

making hamotzie pitas

we used real (real blunt) knives, and we chose from a selection of spreads to make our very own hamotzie pita sandwich!

chillin with popsicles

and what was your favorite part?

h2o !

singing the pizza song

please excuse the fact that this video is sideways.

It is too cute to miss.

Notice how all the kids are singing at their own pace!

Eata Lotta Pizza!

We started learning about brachos. We started off hamotzie by making pizza! then we washed, made the bracha, and had a pizza party!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dancing to Moshiach!!!!

relaxing inside

Ella Styling Adinas Hair

Construction Workers

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Welcome Back Simmy!

We missed you!

Doing what we do best!

Mimi on her cell wearing the new shirt awela gave her
AM drawing a road for his big yellow car
Rafi with his favorite parsha book

cute kids laughing

Shabbos Seuda

During free indoor play today, the kids created a whole shabbos scene. The girls set the table, (complete with salt, and grape juice,) made salads, and took care of crying babies, while the totties went to shul and made kiddush, all totally on their own without prompting!!! The kids were heysterically realistic, reminding each other not to carry outside cuz of muktza, etc etc.

five mommies expecting multiples!

Welcome Yehudis!

Innovative Builders

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