precious gems

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Our Trip to the Matzah Bakery!

First we watched a video, and then we met a funny man who is Parohs servant named Ramses. He just popped out of one the pyramids!
That was just the begining of all the fun and surprises that we experienced
here in the matza bakery!
Scroll down to get the full scoop with lots of cute pictures!
But before you do, We'd like to thank our dedicated mommies,
Morah Zavie and Mrs. Gurelik,
for taking time out of their very busy schedules,
right before Pesach,
to spend an entire afternoon with us, driving and helping.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the Kings Palace

Then, we watched as Hashem spoke to Moshe, telling him to take off his shoes!
We met king Paroh, and saw the makos of blood (parosh cup of clean water turned red) ,
frogs (jumping out from behind the curtain),
and darkness (lights off only onstage, they know how old we are!)!

Grinding the Flour

After meeting Paroh, we met a farmer! He had a cool farm with a huge ram!
The farmer showed us how to pick the wheat stalk, and blow to get the seeds.
Then we grinded the seeds to make flour!

Making the Dough

we watched as two volunteer children poured water and flour to make the dough.

Matzah Baking!

We rolled out the dough, and then used a prickly tool

to make a bunch of little holes in our matzah!

Snack Time!

After all that excitement, we relaxed with some yummy snacks and treats!

The Chabad House

The Ride Back...

Tired and Happy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Welcome to the Afternoon Group Family!

See how well we take care of our family!



We've been discussing the story of Pesach, and reading books about Pesach,
and singing songs about Pesach, and doing projects about......yup, you guessed it PESACH!
Heres what our pesach frogs came out looking like. Kinda cute, no?
Zalmy sang us a funny song about Pesach (over the phone) that goes like this:
Paroh in pajamas
biemtzah halaila x2
lai lai lai lai lai lai

Going Out of Mitzraim!

After Hashem made a big nes for the yidden by splitting the yam suf, the ladies thanked Hashem for the nissim that He did, by dancing with tambourines. When Moshiach comes we will once again thank Hashem by dancing with tambourines. We really enjoyed our "musical" experience! Just ask our Morahs!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Acting Out the Makos!

Poor King Paroh! He has so many boils and pimples! Ouch!
Makos Choshech! When we close our eyes we cant see anything!
The mitzriim couldnt see even when their eyes were open!
We pretended we were going out of mitzraim in the middle of the night! First, King Paroh woke up ( he was very scared. He didnt want Hashem to punish him.) and asked us where Moshe Rabeinu lived. We pretended we were the yiddishe kinderlach making fun of wicked king paroh and we said there! no I mean there! No actually Moshe lives there! It was very funny seeing Paroh get all confused! Then, we carried bags of matzah on our backs and left mitzraim very quickly!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What We Have Been Busy With!

Taking advantage of the hot california weather, we had water play twice this week! We love washing the cars, tables, floor, walls etc. We also took turns with the hose! We don't spray people, just things.
We also water colored adorable butterflys, out of coffee filters and clothespins!
Of coure we enjoy playing with (and sharing) all of our indoor toys as well!

Happy Fourth Birthday Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pickle Making!

Making pickles was loads of fun! First we put the cucumbers into the jar,
and then we added fresh dill, garlic cloves, lots of salt, and some water.
We dont put pickles in the oven.
We leave them out and in a few days they will be all ready to eat!

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