precious gems

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Dear Kinderlach,
You are all so special, each one of you in your own way. We enjoyed being your morahs, and watching you grow and learn. We did so many exciting things together this year, and we had so much fun with you! We joked that we want you to continue going to afternoon group always, even when you are bubbies and zeidies, but really we are very ptoud of our big kinderlach who are going on to the big kid school! We hope you continue to give your parents and teachers a lot of nachas! We will miss you very much!
Love Morah Dassy and Morah Leeby

What a Game!

Can you guess how many choclate chips are in the spoon of marshmellow fluff? the kinderlach chose a partner, and then closed their eyes, opened their mouths, said a bracha, and tried to guess how many chocolate chips were there in the marshmellow fluff. Some of the kinderlach bit down right away, then guessed there were twenty!!!

Goodbye Hugs!

the Popcorn Game!

what fun! We used straws to get the popcorn in our circle!

Goodbye / Pizza Party!

Tuesday was our last day of afternoon group!
We feasted on pizza, french fries, and of course ketchup!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Preparing Our Wraps!

We had a choice of tuna or cream cheese, plus tons of delicious veggies!
We enjoyed learning how to roll our wraps!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Then comes the best part: Eating!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

and the Dodgers win the World Series!!!

Aliza enjoying the after game party!
way to go Asher, Zalmy, and Isaac!!!
Morah Dassy and Morah Leeby, Aliza, and Henny are very proud of you!
the winning team!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Mister Fireman

Leave it to the girls to figure out how to pamper a fireman doll. Put a diaper on him!!!

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