precious gems

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cup Building!

Anyone looking to hire young architects with new, fresh ideas?

Yud Shvat!

In honor of yud shvat, we watched a video of the Rebbe. You know what the Rebbe said in the video? Who is going to bring Moshiach?
" Especially the children, the boys and the girls...."
We also had a farbrengin with cookies, and we sang niggunim!

Thursday, January 25, 2007


We planted sunflower seeds! A seed needs sunlight and water to grow, so dont forget to place your flower pot in a place where it will receice plenty of sunlight,
and dont forget to water it!
After the flower sprouts it will need to be placed into a bigger flower pot.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Corn Salad!

For borei pri huadama, we made corn salad!
First we mixed the corn, pickles, and dressing
( mayo, lemon juice, salt, pepper, sugar, garlic)
then we ate it for snack!
And in the words of Aliza Sebban it was

Tell Me How to Plant a Tree

While learning the brachos of haetz and huadama, we also learned a lot about planting.
We read a book about a farmer planting a wheat stalk,
and we learned a special song about planting.
It goes like this:
(TTTO Row Your Boat)
Tell Tell Tell me how
how to plant a tree
merrily merrily merrily merrily
what's the recipe
dig dig dig a hole
with a spade and hoe
merrily merrily merrily merrily
singing as you go
plant plant plant your seeds
plant them in a row
merrily merrily merrily merrily
Hashem will make them grow
rain rain rain will fall
softly from above
merrily merrily merrily merrily
softly as a dove
sun sun sun will shine
on your little tree
merrily merrily merrily merrily
that's the recipe!

Welcome Aliza Sebban!

We Love You!

Corn Creations!

Corn is borei pri hoadomo! We enjoyed making corn creations out of
black paper, corn kernels, and lots and lots of glue!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dancing with Dancing Balls!!!!

Playing House!!!

Ahavas Yisroel!

Chani and Moishy play so nicely together!
Henny shared the pink phone with Chaim Hillel!

Borei Pri Haetz

We squeezed oranges and made orange juice! First we all made a bracha borei pri haitez on orange slices, and then we took turns squeezing our oranges! When our juice was ready we all said the bracha shehakol together!

We also sponge painted trees. We made a brown trunk, green leaves, and orange and red fruit!

The fruit skewers were so much fun! We placed green and red apples, oranges and grapes and made haetz skewers!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Morah Leeby in Israel!

Ruins of the Southern Wall KOTEL HAMARAVI!!!
the Galilee

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Some Projects We Worked on This Week!

We missed you Morah Leeby!
Hagofen Grape Juice Bottle Decorations, that are completely reusable,
thanks to some handy pipe cleaners......

Free Art : Painting!

We enjoy it very much! Some of us know how to make shapes, such as circles, some of us can write a letter ot two of our names ( H is for Henny) and we're all trying to remember not to mix the paintbrushes in to the wrong colors!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Only In LA...

....can we do water play in the middle of January!

Chani squared!

Hagofen Grape Juice

The bracha we make on grape juice is borei pri hagoefen.
first we made the bracha and drank grape juice.
then, we carefully picked purple grapes from the stem,
and squeezed them in ziplock bags. We made our very own
Grape Juice!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Hamotzie Challah Serving Tray

We glued colored strips of tissue paper on a clear plastic serving tray.
Morah sprayed it with acrylic and there you go - a beautiful stained glass effect!
Have a wonderful Shabbos!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Today we made our very own play-do!
Here is how you do it:
1 cup cold water
1 cup salt
2 tsp. vegetable oil
paint or food coloring
3 cups flour
2 tbsp corn starch
Mix first four ingredients, then gradually add flour and cornstarch.
We chose two colors of paint ,
yellow and blue.
When we mixed them together we got green play-do!
This is how our song goes:
(ttto:Uncle Moishy's manners song)
When you mix blue and yellow
you get green!

Refuah Shleima Henny! We missed you! We hope you feel better real soon!

Hamotzie Pizza Bagels

We are learning all about the bracha of hamotzie. Today we all bacame pizza men! We made pizza bagels! First we smeard the sauce, nice and smooth. Then we sprinkled on the cheese, and added olives. We also learned a funny pizza song that goes like this:
tss! tss! ahh!
tss! tss! ahh!
Eata lotta
Eata lotta
Eata lotta
Oh no, dont drop the pizza!
Oh no, dont drop the pizza!
cuz if you drop the pizza nobody eatsa!
cuz if you drop the pizza nobody eatsa!

Magic Noodles!

fun with friends!

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