precious gems

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dear Counselors

Dear Counselors,
Thank you so much for all your help and for making camp so much fun. You guys are amazing- You made camp so exciting with your laughter, warmth, and caring for each one of our kiddies.
Shira, what would we do without your organazation and caring?
Miriam, what would we do without your humor and laughs?
Nechama Leah, what would we do without your gentle and sweet touch?
Odele, what would we do without your enthusiasm and warmth?
What can I say? I really had a blast working with you,
and the kiddis had a blast having you as their counselors!
So-Thank You!
Love Morah Dassy

Juicing Oranges!

Making Mezonos Cookies!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


We love to daven in camp, the kiddies are catching on to the routine of davening and sing and hum along! Here are some of the favorites:
I open one eye
I open two
I say modeh ani
cuz it means thank you
we wash our hentalach
six times thats true
thats what every jewish boy and girl
must do!
This is the way we
wash our hands
so early in the morning
once on the right
and once on the left.......
so early in the morning!
The cow is in the barn,
it goes moo moo moo
the train is on the tracks
it goes choo choo choo
the buzzing of the bees
the birds in the trees
all are saying modeh ani
modeh ani lifunecha
melech chai vikayum...
Twinkle twinkle kchavim
shining in the shamaim
if I say shma today
everything will be OK
if I say shma tonight
everything will be alright
twinkle twinkle kochavim
shining in the shamaim!!!
Right hand Right hand
where are you today?
I need you for shma
I need you right away!
Shma (untill vidibarta bam)
Ach tzadikim
Shivisi Hashem Linegdi Sumid
I always see Hashem before me
He sees everything that I do
and He watches over me and you!

Food Art

We used new brushes to "paint" our bread different colors.
As you can see, we really enjoyed it,
and spent time making our bread beautiful!


The past few days we've been focusing on the mitzva of tzedaka.
We had a giant display board
and the kiddos loved un sticking the coins (velcro)
and putting them in the pushka.
Our tzedaka song is this:
I'm a little hunk of tin
and everyday a penny goes in
I go far and I go near,
to help a poor man in despair
clank clank jingle jingle
the mitzvah is done
clank clank jingle jingle
tzedaka is fun!

Precious Smiles!


In Our Zone!

Ari with his neigh-sus.....
Avi pouring sand...

Chaya by the play-do... Rena on her cell.....

Monday, July 16, 2007


We love climbing on our mnkey jungle equipment!
We sing a song that goes like this:
We are my monkeys hiding in the zoo???

Lunch Time!

Kiddy Camp Indoor Playtime

Slurpy Time!

After coming in from the hot outside
we cool off with some cool refreshing slurpies
( frozen apple juice!)

Hoola Hoops!!!

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