precious gems

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Our Kinderlach See Only Kedusha

Passing by a house under construction, Mendel exclaimed
"That's the bigggest Sukkah I've ever seen!"

What a Week!

We were all so happy to be back after vacation!
We had a cookie farbrengin on hey teves and sang didan nutzach.
Nochum Zalman was the storyteller and told us all about
how the seforim were returned to 'seventy seventy'.

In other news this week:
We were introduced to the most amazing invention in the world (besides magnetic blocks...) MODELING SAND. It is as cool as it sounds. Picture a combination of.....sand and clay. We had many creative creations created from it: dogs, fish, rocks, pizza...

Refuah Shleima to Coby. We miss you and hope to see you on Monday!

Have a wonderful Shabbos and see you all next week iyh!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Freilichen Chanuka!

A Freilichen Chanuka!

We hope everyone is enjoying their last few days of chanuka vacation. Morah Dassy and Morah Leeby are busy enjoying our yummy neices and nephews.

A very special Mazel Tov to Morah Chani Thaler, on her marriage to Zalman Friedman on Wednesday night. We love you Morah Chani and we wish you all the best!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Kotel

Morah Leeby is going on a big airplane to Eretz Yisroel.
We used to have a big, beautiful beis hamikdosh,
but then the goyim broke it. There is one wall left
from the whole beis hamikdosh. That is the kotel.
It is very heilig. Yidden go to the kotel,
and daven to Hashem. Sometimes people write
notes to Hashem, and put it in the kotel.
When Morah Dassy went to Eretz Yisroel, she saw
many many yidden davening together to Hashem.
We wrote letters to Hashem, and Morah Leeby is
going to put them into the kotel for us.
We love you Morah Leeby, and were going to miss
you when youre away on your trip!

Grand Chanuka Bash!

And what a bash it was!
We feasted on jelly doughnuts, and latkes. (Thank
you Morah Leeby for staying up late last night making
those delicious latkes!) We acted out the story of Chanuka,
did a Macabee marching dance, sang Chanuka songs,
and let's not forget our grand dreidel game,
played with winkies! A good time was had by all!
A Freilichen Chanuka!

Chanuka Music!

We had a special Chanuka treat when
Morah Chani Kravitz came to do music with us!
We pretended to build the beis Hamikdosh with
sticks, and we sang and danced with instruments.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Chanuka Preparations @ Afternoon Group

Check out our Lego Menora!
It was a lot of fun to build!
Our olive press was a great hit! First we searched for the olives, then we squeezed them and made olive oil!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Cheder Menachem Yeshiva Bochur Visitor

Aaron Schneerson, thank you for visiting us today.
We loved having you!

Random Pics

Chani's toesis,
Mendel and CH trying to wink, and Henny and Sarah's matching shoes......

Chanuka Dough

We made cool Chanuka shapes with our Chanuka dough.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yud Tes and Chuf Kislev

A Gut Yom Tov!
L'shana Tova B'limud Hachasidus U'bdarchei Hachasidus
Tikaseivu V'Seichaseimu !
We had a heilige chassidishe farbrengin in honor of yud tes and chof kislev.
We made lechaim, sang a niggun, and spoke about the Alter Rebbe.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Getting into the Chanuka Spirit!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Yud Daled Kislev Mock Wedding

Yud Daled Kislev is the day that the Rebbe and the Rebbetzin got married and had a chasunah. We had a very special day here at afternoon group. We made a mock wedding.
First we prepared, we got dressed and helped build our chuppa.The boys were the chassonim and the girls were the Kallas. Then we got to stand under the chuppa.
We had a seuda, with a menu of corn pops and grape juice. Thank you to our wonderful waiters and bartenders for a job well done! Then it was time for the real stuff: DANCING!! Kicking our feet high in the air, we danced to the one and only: Uncle Moishy! Exhausted, we sat down for some "live" music with songs of Simin Tov and of course Bein Kach.
May we share in only simchas together, and dance together at the ultimate simcha, that of Moshiach!

the Wedding Preparations....

the Chassanim and Kallahs....

the Chuppa....

the Dancing....

The Seuda with Grape Juice Lechaims....

the bar tenders....
the waiters....

The Singers...

Monday, December 04, 2006

Parshas Vayishlach

In this week's parsha, Rochel Imeinu passes away, and she is buried near Beis Lechem. The place where she is buried is called Kever Rochel. Rochel Imeinu is a big tzadekes, and she is very close to Hashem. When Yidden go to Kever Rochel, they daven and ask Rochel Imeinu to go to Hashem and daven for us. And she does.
We had a lot of fun water-painting a picture of Kever Rochel!
note to parents: no fear, the paint is totally washable!

Chanuka Vacation

Our Chanukah Schedule is as follows:
There will be no afternoon group session from December 18th-25th.
Afternoon Group will resume on Tuesday, December 26th.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
The room is not available to us during that time.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Please Say Tehilim

We'd like to take this opportunity
to ask all our loyal readers of this blog to please say tehilim
for two young boys in our community
who need a refua shleima:

Rafael Yahoshua Nosson Ben Bluma Esther (kapital chof gimmel)
Yosef Simcha Halevi Ben Esther

And let's not forget our three captured soldiers,
may Hashem protect them and send them home to their families

Gilaad ben Aviva(Shalit)
Eldad ben Tova (Regev)
Ehud ben Malka (Goldwasser)

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