precious gems

Thursday, November 30, 2006

The World from a Three Year Old Perspective

- Do you remember the picture of Morah Dassy riding on a camel in Eretz Yisroel? Well, it definatley showed the kids what the desert ground looks like. It showed the kids something else too. When Morah Leeby was discussing the story of Eliezer the following day, She said " and what was on the camels, not people, so what was it? (presents for Rivka) Replies Moishy " Yuh Huh, Morah Dassy was there!"

-Sarah was wearing cowgirl boots. Noticing the Nordstroms labels inside, Morah Leeby asks
"Sarah, where did you get your boots from?"
"Loehmans" she replies. "Actually, Trader Joes!"

Juggling Show!

We had a very special surprise guest, Zalmy Dubinsky! Zalmy, whose juggling expertise has taken him to such far out places such as New York, Minnesota, and Florida, was gracious enough to perform for us! As you can see from our expressions in the picture, it was a very exciting event for us. The juggling was really cool and Zalmy is really funny!

Puppet Show!!!

We'd like to thank our emcees: Mendel, Nochum Zalman, and Moishy,
for doing the introductions with so much enthusiasm!!!

We'd like to thank the supportive audience (who sat spellbound)....

and last but not least,

we'd like to thank the one and only Zalmy

for putting on such an entertaining and educational show for us!

picture of the week

shoe corner

Junior Ballerina's

Henny and Sarah trying to teach the boys "first position"!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Yakov Avinu's Dream!

Yakov Avinu went up to the top of the mountain. Hashem made it night time and Yakov was ready to go to sleep. But he didnt want the animals to touch him during the night, so Yakov Avinu took twelve stones and put them around his body. Then he went to sleep. Yakov had a very special dream. In his dream there was a very big ladder, that went all the way from the ground to shamaim. Malachim were going down and up the latter. We had so much fun acting out the story of Yakov Avinu!!!!

(And we had fun talking about dreams that we had. Mendel had a funny dream about a squirrel wearing a necklace!)


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

red lentil soup

Eisav's Red and Hairy Arms!

Welcome Yaakov Moshe Friedman!

We'd like to welcome HaBochur Hatomin Yakov Friedman. Yakov's mommy's name is Morah Dini, she is Morah Dassy and Morah Leebys big sister. Yakov is our nephew. ( Is this too confusing?) Yakov is eighteen months going on eighteen years. He loves to play in "Bubby's School". He also loves to run, eat fwuity pebbles, give tzedakkah, play with his friends, and smell coffee. We love you Yakov!

Kinnus Through the Eyes of a Three Year Old

We miss our Totties when they go to NY for the kinnus. We are very happy they are back. And we are very excited to talk about the things they brought back home with them:
Mendel Wav-Noy: chocolate and bubble gum
Chaim Hillel: tzitzis, a book, and a puzzle
Mendel Munitz: cookies

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Obstacle Course!

Ready, Set,
.... over the pillows and under the table!

Book of the Week!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

had to have been there

Uh Oh!

Parshas Chayei Sarah

We heard all about Eliezer travelling through the hot, hot, hot desert with his ten camels. In the desert there is no grass and no trees. There is only sand, and the hot sun. We made a special project using sand from Morah's sand box!

We also saw a picture of Morah Dassy riding on a real camel in the desert in Eretz Yisroel. We saw how sandy the desert ground is.

C is for Cookie! That's good enough for me!

We had such a great time when we made cookies! We all got a turn to add stuff into the mixer, and then when the dough was ready, we shaped it into cookies. It was like play-do but just more fun! We also used our artistic talents to decorate them with different types of colorful sprinkles!

Here is the recipe for those yummy sugar cookies:
1 1/2 c powdered sugar
1 c margerine
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. almond extract
2 1/2 c flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cream of tartar
granulated sugar
Mix first five ingredients together. Then add the flour, baking soda, and cream of tartar. Refrigerate dough for at least two hours. Preheat oven to 375. Shape cookies, sprinkle sugar on top. It is also fun to decorate with sprinkles. Food coloring mixed in egg yolks is cool to use as 'paint'. Place on lightly greased pan and bake for about ten minutes.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Parshas Vayeira- Hachnasas Orchim

Avraham Avinu had a special tent. It had four doors, because Avraham had a lot of Hachnasas Orchim, and he loved inviting guests into his tent. We made delicious edible tents, just like Avraham Avinus, with four doors ( um...except ours sort of collapsed).

Bikur Cholim

We learned this week about how Hashem did the mitzvah of bikur cholim, and visited Avraham when he wasn't feeling well. When our friend is sick, we can help them feel better by visiting them, or calling them on the phone, or making them a get well card. We made special bikur cholim cards for the people who are sick in the old age home.

Water Play!

It was so so so hot this week! We had so much fun doing water play with water spritzers, sponges, brushes, buckets, bubbles, and of course plenty of water!

Inside Play Time!

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Rochel Imeinu's Yartzeit

In honor of Rachel Imeinu's yartzeit, we learned about, and saw pictures, of Kever Rochel. We also got a special treat : Twizzlers! We even got to put some on our wrists like the red string from Kever Rochel!

Parshas Lech Lecha

Look at the projects we made for Parshas Lech Lecha!
We used sparklys to decorate the picture of Avraham Avinu!

Happy Birthday Mendel Munits!
We are so proud of you! May you continue to be a chossid, yirai shamaim, and lamdan, and continue to give your parents ( and Morahs!) lots of nachas. We love how you play so nicely and we really enjoy your singing!

Chaim Hillel Korf

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