precious gems

Monday, January 07, 2008

Letters to Hashem

Morah Leeby, Morah Shoshana and Morah Dassy, our going on an airplane to Eretz Yisroel with our family for Zalmys Bar Mitzva. The kotel is the one wall left standing after the goyim broke our Bais Hamikdosh. Yidden can write letters to hashem, and put it in the cracks of the kotel. We write to Hashen asking Hashem for whatever we want Hashem to give us, like something for your family, like happiness or health, or anything that they want . The children wrote letters, and we told them that we will put it in the kotel for them.

These are the gems they came up with:

Chaim Hillel-

My family should be safe from fires. Hashem could you give a toy that is a fire truck that makes noise.


I want Hashem to bring Moshiach!and to build up yerushalaim. to build the beis hamikdosh so much!


Hashem should give me a special toy. save me from the fire of mitzraim.


Hashem should save my children from fire.


Hashem could I please have a bally. I want my family to always be happy!

Chaya sara-

to being moshiach. to give me a puzzle.


hard bat and hard ball. and a football and a baketball.


could you please give me a heart dress with flowers. could you please save my life!


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